Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ryan Pick Affirms GOP As Your Banker's Party

Putting another millionaire on the GOP ticket through Mitt Romney's selection of Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan does nothing to expand its base, which is good news for Pres. Barack Obama and Democratic voters.

Bu the end of the campaign - - or maybe by the end of next week - - Democrats will have indelibly defined Paul Ryan as the champion of the failed Medicare voucher proposal that would have enriched private insurers while stripping middle-class seniors of their resources.

And the drafter of a proposed Federal budget that would have rewarded upper-income filers with more breaks than those conferred on wage-earners and the working poor.

Wall Street will love Romney's pick, while Main Street, dependent on worker spending, will not.

But give Republicans credit. Their party is now solidly the party of corporate dominance, individual wealth preservation, greed and exclusion. It's all out in the open now.

A party of the 1%, leaving Democrats to more easily persuade the other 99%.

The only possible way a party with such narrow and self-interested priorities as represented by Romney/Ryan could win a national election is through voter suppression laws aimed at blocking minorities, students and seniors from unfettered voting - - an attempt enjoined in Wisconsin because the so-called Voter ID law approved by the Scott Walker-controlled legislature blatantly conflicts with voting procedures spelled out in the state constitution.

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