Friday, September 21, 2012

AUDIO: Paul Ryan Calls For End to Social Security, Medicare in 2005

BuzzFeed just posted this audio clip of Paul Ryan speaking at an Ayn Rand fanboy event in 2005 -- celebrating her 100th birthday -- that had been transcribed and posted by the liberal Catholic publication America earlier this week.

In the full clip, Ryan leaves no doubt about his fevered ideological opposition to the existence of Social Security:

"Social Security right now is a collectivist system, it’s a welfare transfer system," Ryan said.

Ryan continued, describing attempts by Republicans to privatize, laughing at using the word "personalizing" instead.

Ryan says "if we actually accomplish this goal of personalizing Social Security, think of what we will accomplish." He adds "every worker, every laborer in America will not only be a laborer but a capitalist. They will be an owner of society, they will be an owner and a participant of our free enterprise system, of our capitalist system."
As Adele Stan notes at Alternet, Ryan's dim view extended to Medicare as well in this speech:

Medicare, in Ryan’s view is no better. After complaining about the projected growth of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, Ryan says, according to a transcript of a video of the speech, prepared by Vincent Miller, contributor to the America blog, In All Things, and Gudorf Chair in Catholic Theology and Culture at the University of Dayton:

If we do not succeed in switching these programs, in reforming these programs from what some people call a defined benefit system, to a defined contribution system– from switching these programs—and this is where I’m talking about health care, as well -- from a third party or socialist based system to an individually owned, individually prefunded, individually directed system.

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