I think it’s time to start holding do-nothing Republicans accountable for their frustrating irresponsible behavior.
No one has perfected those do-nothing excuses like Paul Ryan. He effortlessly promises to do nothing. In one article, I found these, starting with an easy one - the no-fly list:
WSJ: Paul Ryan on Monday panned President Barack Obama's call to ban people on the federal no-fly list from buying guns, calling it "a distraction" from the broader war on terror … the no-fly list includes many people not suspected of terrorist acts. “A mid-level bureaucrat can put anybody on a no-fly list with no due process rights” So what is Ryan's strategy … “If we think a person is suspected of a terrorist act, let’s go get them -- pure and simple.”
Brilliant? Quite the leader. Here’s another:
Speaking of Obama's call for Congress to formally authorize military force against the Islamic State, Ryan said he believes "it could be a strong signal to send that we are going on offense" against the group but said a sticking point could be concerns that such an authorization could tie the hands of the next president.
Do-nothing Ryan makes it sound so easy. And he wasn’t done not committing to anything:
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...whether they deserve it or not. |
He's open to Obama's call for Congress to authorize military force against the Islamic State terrorist group … but Obama's speech had a crucial omission: what his administration will do differently to fight terror groups such as the Islamic State. “What I heard more was a defense of his containment strategy -- not an adjustment to a new strategy. We should not try to defend what has been our failing policy.”
And don’t forget Paul Ryan’s commitment to provide a complete detailed plan to replace the Affordable Care Act before the next election, just like all the other times they provided a detailed list…oh wait, they didn’t.
It's well known that Ryan met with other Republicans on the first day of Obama's presidency and promised stop every part of his agenda. This new contortion - doing nothing - replaces that scheme.
Paul Ryan is a free traitor, open borders globalist, monopoly capitalist, who wants to throw everyone off social security and ensure nobody but the rich has access to healthcare. He needs to be removed from the speaker position and impeached from the legislature by Wisconsin voters so we can make America great again.
DeletePaul Ryan's ability to double talk Trump's views and opinions simply exposes the flaws of staunch party line politicians.it is nothing less than tragic to hear Ryan try to disengage from Trump racist comments and still embrace the beligerant, bloated, fraudulent racist that Trump is... as our best option of the two main party candidates for the next President of the United States. RYAN HAS DISCREDITED HIMSELF AS ANY SORT OF WORTHY AND HONEST PUBLIC SERVANT. He is certainly, though, another example of a public servant securing his own future rather than serving the public's best interest. What a blatant failure to example genuine character while trying to get his face back into the media. Ryan is a pure catalyst in the move to breakdown the fabric of this nation further than the current state of affairs. "It is better to be hot or cold than to be neutral" under the guise of the nation's best interest... paraphrasing the Word. Ryan clearly stands for whatever furthers his political career at the expense of this great country that is in need of the experience to push forward to betterment and security. Shame on Paul Ryan for posing for morals and principals.
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