Monday, September 12, 2011

A Front Row Seat; Paul Ryan at the Janesville Labor Day Parade!!

It's Paul Ryan, upfront and as usual, impersonal? This crystal clear footage of Ryan shows a guy feeling the heat like never before. I'm hoping his challenger Rob Zerban (zer-bon) is watching.

For some reason, Rep. Paul Ryan thinks his political career can be put on hold, so he can march in a parade he has no business in, while his policies continue to pummel the middle class every minute of the day.

It was a tough day again for Paul even with his family in tow. But why did he think his presence, around those celebrating labor, would be tolerated by workers most affected by his corporate shilling? As for his kids, he could have marched ahead, instead of putting them between himself and angry constituents. As long as Ryan continues to play the invisible man, the people in his district will only have their signs and shouts to get their message across. Thanks to Suburban Guerrila for the great video.

1 comment:

  1. It looks to me like Ryan and his wife show remarkable maturity in the face of a bunch of whiny and irritating children.

    My gosh, these people are so lame that they can't even come up with new chants. I thought I was back in the 1960's.

    Of course, these were probably rent-a-demonstrator type that were hired so the Union thugs could enjoy their day off.
